External On-line Resources
- Worship Anew - Available at worshipAnew.org OR Directv -- TCT (Tri-state Christian television) channel 377 at 11:30 a.m.
· Bethel, Glenshaw, PA: Livestreaming on Facebook and bethelglenshaw.org.
· Calvary, Murrysville, PA: Link to watch sermons via YouTube at calvarylcms.org.
· Christ Memorial, Malvern, PA: Streaming on the media tab of the website: christmemorial.us. Services in Malvern - 6:45 pm Weds night and Sundays at 8:30 and 11am. Facebook live at @CMLCSMalvern
· Faith, Rochester (Penfield), NY: Livestream worship link or Bible classes
· First Trinity, Tonawanda, NY: offering the following at FirstTrinity.com/youtube: Livestream Wednesday, 7 p.m. Lenten Services, the Sunday 8:45 Traditional service, and the Sunday 11:15 Contemporary service until May 10. During Livestream services, only essential people will be present in the building (those who are leading in some way). People will be able to watch live, or access the video later on YouTube. FT Kids will Livestream a lesson at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Kids will be able to watch live, or access the video later on YouTube.
· Good Shepherd, Pittsburgh (South Hills), PA: Sermons on our YouTube channel and will be posted on Facebook
· Good Shepherd, State College, PA: Wednesday night prayer service via Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/bryan.spang. Saturday morning service to be recorded and then uploaded to www.goodshepherdsc.org.
· Immanuel, Tonawanda, NY: Facebook Live stream at https://www.facebook.com/ILCTonawanda/
· Mount Olive, Lockport, NY: Livestreaming services on Sundays at 8:30 AM and Lent services on Wednesdays at 7 PM at Mount Olive Lutheran Church.
· Peace, Scranton, PA: Livestreaming at https://www.facebook.com/peacelutheranchurchscranton/
· St. John's, Depew, NY: radio broadcast at 11 AM on WXRL 1300AM or 95.5 FM. The stream is downloaded to the website every week (www.sjlcdepew.com).
· St. John, Farmington, NY: Facebook Live streaming at www.facebook.com/pumpkinhook
· St. John, North Tonawanda, NY: Livestream every service at https://www.facebook.com/stjohnnt/.
· St. Luke, Cheektowaga, NY: Sermons online and on YouTube. CLICK HERE
· St. Paul, Clarence Center, NY: Facebook.com/stpaulclarencecenter/. They likely will have bulletin, discussion questions and videos, probably published Sunday morning
· St. Mark, Mendon, NY: Facebook Live at facebook.com/stmarkmendon
· St. Mark, North Tonawanda, NY: Will record Saturday service and have it available at https://www.stmarknt.org/ by Sunday morning.
· St. Paul, Hilton, NY: Worship will be broadcast via website www.stpaulhilton.org and Facebook Live @StPaulHiltonNY
· Trinity, Ashford, NY: Livestreaming at https://www.facebook.com/Ashford-Trinity-Lutheran-Church-1831126737149003/
· Zion, Bridgeville, PA: At 8 AM. On the website at zlcb.org
· Trinity Lutheran Church, Pittsburg, PA https://www.facebook.com/LCMSpittsburgh/ and www.firsttrinity.net.